Missoula, MT:
A Weekend in the Second Largest Town in Montana

Brunch was the next item on the agenda and since we were all pretty hungry by this point, we decided to stop by a restaurant about 100 yards away. I don't care what your opinion is of the following dish, but it might be the single greatest thing I've ever eaten… or tried to eat. I couldn't finish it and I was sad.

Once in the park, it was only a matter of minutes it seemed until we saw our first examples of large, charismatic fauna: buffalo! A huge heard of them, scattered all over a giant hillside. The park warms visitors not to get more than 10 feet away from your car at any time and it was immediately evident why. Several of the buffalo crossed the road within inches of the front of the car as they made their way to a little pond on the other side. If you've never seen one up close, they make cow look tiny, especially the bulls. The largest ones can weigh up to 2,500lbs. I never want to be on the wrong side of those horns.
We rolled on a little farther until we changed upon two full-grown big horn sheep along the side of the trail. I've never seen one of those either. At first, I wasn't sure if the two of them were part of a diorama, but one of them moved shortly-there-after and instantly proved otherwise. Their horns are huge too, and very impressive to see up-close.
Next were elk. A trio of them were hanging out not far off the road. They still had felted antlers that caught the afternoon sun in just a way that it looked like their antlers were glowing. They were very cool as well.
As Jerome and I cruised towards the exit, we finally came across a small herd of antelope. I think they are the prettiest of the animals we saw that day. They're just so interesting looking! We did manage to see one buck with some antlers, but most I assume were females or juveniles.
We saw a few white-tail deer here and there but since we've got those at home, I didn't bother taking any pics. No moose or bears this time, but Jerome said he has seen a bear in the park before. Dang.
Marcia had waken up from her nap by the time we got back and we then set out to find some dinner. The Shack was a place Jerome had mentioned a few times over the course of the day and so we decided to go there. I was told to have trout while in Montana by Jim, one of the mechanics at MOAB, and so that was another reason why we chose The Shack. The name of the place is a total misnomer, because it's the most un-shack-like place you'll probably ever see. It was exactly like an old 1920's european cafe, even down to the smell and the food was delicious. It also happens to be where I tried my first Moose Drool, a wildly popular brew from the Big Sky Brewing Co. up in MT.

We drove back to The Old Post, which is another of Jerome's favorite places (made even better this time by the grits he could order only on sunday) The food was fantastic but unfortunately the service was glacially slow too. We finally got the check and moved on to a driving tour of the town. We saw the university, and the property that Jerome and Marcia are going to build on this fall. We stopped for ice-cream on the way back to the apartment and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon relaxing at home. I was able to update the blog from the week prior and ultimately enjoyed dinner out on the balcony overlooking the mountains, Jumbo and Sentinel. A fine evening it was to wrap up a wonderful stay with two wonderful people!